Moving into Healing Together

  • MindBody Therapy Sessions

    Our MindBody Therapy Sessions are designed to help you tap into the innate wisdom of yourself. Our approach focuses on guiding you towards inner healing by helping you reconnect with your body and cultivating a deeper sense of self-awareness. Our clinicians utilize MindBody therapy modalities such as Somatic Experiencing (SE), Internal Family Systems (IFS), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Psychedelic Somatic Interactive Psychotherapy (PSIP), and more. Blue Cross Blue Shield Can be used for these sessions. These are also great for preparatory and integration sessions for clients who have booked a KAP session.

    60 mins |  $160 - $200

  • Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy - KAP

    We utilize Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) to support the healing of treatment-resistant symptoms and traumas. Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy with intramuscular injections can bring relief and healing to depression, alcoholism, addictions, PTSD, CPTSD, sexual trauma, shock trauma, relational trauma, chronic pain, phobias, chronic anxiety, religious trauma, and more. Can be used with a variety of dosing and psychotherapy modalities depending on treatment goals.

    120 mins |  $550

  • Guided Ketamine Sessions

    Experience intramuscular Ketamine through a Guided Ketamine Session with Safia Lyon, APRN, an experienced medical guide who holds space for you to heal. These sessions are helpful for anyone wanting to try Ketamine at a lower cost and experience the healing benefits of Ketamine itself. Safia offers a nurturing and protective container for healing and self-exploration to happen. Requires current work with a primary therapist and application approval.

    120 mins |  $400

  • Group Ketamine Sessions

    Join a group curated by the Guide MindBody team, or curate your own group and have us facilitate at your place or ours. These sessions include Intramuscular Ketamine experiences, preparatory sessions, and integration sessions. Group pricing is structured around the number of participants and how many Ketamine experiences are included for the group. We can facilitate a one time experience, or a series of Ketamine experiences spaced out over time. This option is for those who are ready for profound healing in a communal setting.

    Current Groups for Healing Professionals

    Starting at: $500

Student Therapists Available

Individual, Couples, and Family Sessions

55 mins | $25

Package of 10 sessions for Parent/Child, Couples, and other Relational Pairs available for $100

Cash Pay Only

“I wasn’t able to get very far with regular talk therapy. Working with my therapist at Guide has helped me actually make real changes in my relationships and how I feel about myself. My stress symptoms are way less intense.”

— Guide MindBody Therapy CLIENT

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.